The Record Keeper

The Record Keeper

UPDATE: I added a few more comments to bring the series into context a little bit more. They are marked with two asterisks. Most of you reading this will know of The Record Keeper. For those who don’t, the Record Keeper is an award-winning steam-punk-style 11-episode web series. It was sponsored and paid for by […]

Noah Movie – Fact of Fiction? Who cares? What about God? (Part 1)

Noah Movie – Fact of Fiction? Who cares? What about God? (Part 1)

The epic blockbuster Noah opens this weekend, and it has stirred quite a bit of press from both Christians and non-Christians alike. Is the story true to the bible’s depiction? While many Christians debate whether or not to see the movie, fearing how it doesn’t stay true to the bible story, to me there’s a […]

Answers in Genesis?

Answers in Genesis?

Yesterday many people watched the debate between Bill Nye, the Science guy, and Ken Ham, a creationist who has founded “Answers in Genesis” to advocate a young earth, created by God exactly as the biblical account states. I wasn’t able to watch the debate, and won’t be discussing it, but I will discuss the fact […]