Home Gatherings Again.

Hello everyone. How about starting up our home gatherings again? If you love Christ and REVIVE’s mission and purpose, you can’t miss this opportunity to grow together and come up with ways to reach the unchurched.

When we started meeting a year ago, it was clear that family and friends who are Christians were part of our core group and that’s probably not going to change.

This time, however, rather than simply studying the bible, mutual and spontaneous participation from anyone will be encouraged. People will be able to share prayers, songs, testimonies and encouraging thoughts as well as engage in some deep study.

The main REVIVE theme still is to share God’s beauty as revealed fully in Jesus to the unchurched, so our core group needs these purposeful questions to be answered: “how do we impact the outside world as the body of Christ? How do bring His kingdom to the earth as it is in Heaven?”

If you’d like to participate, please share your thoughts and ideas, and even desired meeting times (if you live in Lincoln, NE).

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Admin for REVIVE website.