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Admin for REVIVE website.

παιδαγωγός / Paidagogos

παιδαγωγός / Paidagogos

“And so the Law was in charge of us until Christ came, in order that we might then be put right with God through faith.”
Galatians 3:24 GNT

What is your understanding of which law was our tutor/schoolmaster/paidagogos in Galatians 3:24?

Faith Comes by Hearing

Faith Comes by Hearing

In the time of Paul and the apostles, believers would gather in someone’s house (church) and a designated person would bring a letter from Paul or the other apostles. They would get up and read from the letter, possibly without breaks, all the way through.

Good Friday is Good!

Good Friday is Good!

As most Christians celebrate Good Friday (and some who say the date is wrong kind of ignore it), we are nevertheless reminded of what actually happened that day. What were the events and the motives that make this a special weekend, and what we call Good Friday? Was it actually good?