6- Where to Find the Evidence? – Gathering

Hello everyone. Hope you guys had a good week. I want to invite you to join God Chat this week once again. Last week we didn’t meet because of the graduation festivities. But we are back on. This week we are going to question and evaluate the source of all the evidence we have been […]

We’re in Good Company

Our view of God is the most important thing we can ever have in order to become friends who trust Him. If God is a vengeful, selfish, unforgiving, severe, arbitrary person it is virtually impossible to become His friend. We can become His servants, but not His friends.

4- A Friend Wants Our Trust – Audio & Handouts

Hello all, if you’d like to follow along with our dialogue number four online via TalkShoe live, click the link on the right around 8:00 pm CST, here is the handout. Trust – Handout Trust – Notes Please follow and like us: