Watch the Lamb

Watch the Lamb

I was watching our church’s service online today, and in it we were reminded of the silence of God. As I reflected upon the service, the words of our pastors, I wept thinking of the emotional toll Jesus suffered while hanging on the cross. The agonizing hours he spent without feeling the presence of His Father are a testament for us that sometimes even for the Son of God, the Father was not present or answering any prayers. Yet, we know from the New Testament that God was “in Christ, reconciling the world to himself” – 2 Cor. 5:19

Good Friday is Good!

Good Friday is Good!

As most Christians celebrate Good Friday (and some who say the date is wrong kind of ignore it), we are nevertheless reminded of what actually happened that day. What were the events and the motives that make this a special weekend, and what we call Good Friday? Was it actually good?