παιδαγωγός / Paidagogos

παιδαγωγός / Paidagogos

“And so the Law was in charge of us until Christ came, in order that we might then be put right with God through faith.”
Galatians 3:24 GNT

What is your understanding of which law was our tutor/schoolmaster/paidagogos in Galatians 3:24?

Saved from what?

Saved from what?

Why do people believe you have to get ‘legally right’ before God? How can a court of law fix greed, hatred, enmity, lies?  Throughout the Christian world, the word salvation has many meanings, but the one that’s more prevalent is the meaning that salvation somehow gets me off the hook of legal trouble with God. […]

A God of Bondage or Freedom?

A God of Bondage or Freedom?

Going through the book of Galatians again after many times helps us see things that surface through the writings of the Apostle Paul. The aim of the book is to combat the false teachings that were creeping around the church around that time, namely that Christians should be keeping the law of Moses in order […]