Simply Jesus, by N.T. Wright

…The part I most thoroughly enjoyed however is the establishment of Chrit’s rule on earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The idea that Christ reignss now through his church is very powerful and something every Christian should understand…

My Christian Tribe Has No Name

My Christian Tribe Has No Name

I belong to a tribe of Christians who believe in the supremacy of Jesus Christ. For me, it means that his teachings surpass every other teaching ever given, including in the Old Testament of the ancient Judeo-Christian scriptures that teach us about Jesus. What is the practical reality of such Christianity? God is radically different […]

Home Gatherings Again.

Home Gatherings Again.

Hello everyone. How about starting up our home gatherings again? If you love Christ and REVIVE’s mission and purpose, you can’t miss this opportunity to grow together and come up with ways to reach the unchurched. When we started meeting a year ago, it was clear that family and friends who are Christians were part […]